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A collaboration between 16 community radios, a large physical gathering of community radios in continental Europe.

Whistle and I'll Come to EU

Silent Green Garden


Join the outdoor broadcast of a new composition for massed whistlers. Following a colour-coded instructional score, dozens of individuals from many nations each whistle their national anthem - sometimes at length, sometimes in short bursts - in a competitive cacophony which unfolds as a unique piece of fluid public sculpture. With nods to WG Sebald's thoughts on Sigmund Freud's aversion to music, Nam June Paik’s Fluxus Champion Contest, the ghost stories of M.R. James and Jules Furthman and William Faulkner's script of To Have and Have Not, Whistle and I'll Come to EU is both a meditation on the nature of transmission and its incidental auditors, and a vividly ludic articulation of the internalisation of nationhood. Conceived, directed & produced by Ed Baxter and Michael Umney. Made in Europe.


Ed Baxter

Ed Baxter is a radio artist, writer, curator, organiser and a lecturer. He is co-founder of London’s arts-focused community radio station Resonance FM.

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Michael Umney

Michael Umney is a radio producer, site-specific broadcaster, documentary maker and sound recordist.

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Independent Community Radio Network (ICRN)

The Independent Community Radio Network (ICRN) connects and supports like-minded community radios with the shared goal of establishing a more sustainable and long-term future for the field of independent radio.

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