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A collaboration between 16 community radios, a large physical gathering of community radios in continental Europe.

Reset! network

1 credits Mate Kalicz.JPG


The Reset! network was launched in 2022 and is coordinated by Lyon-based non-profit Arty Farty. As of today, the network gathers around 110 independent cultural and media organisations from festivals, to clubs, bookshops, cinemas, or community radios, in 30 different countries from Georgia, to Greece, to Norway, to Portugal. The network aims to document the current state of the European independent cultural and media sector by identifying its strengths, challenges, and threats; to empower these organisations; and to amplify their voices in the political arena, advocating for their interests and concerns.

This year, Reset! published the Atlas of Independent Media and Culture. This work was built collectively around 8 topics as an expanded version of the extensive editorial work carried out through two years of work embodied in the organisation of 64 workshops across the continent and a significant documentation effort compiled into articles, interviews, and newsletters. As part of this Atlas, we also released 5 policy recommendations to defend independence in Europe, one of which being focused on supporting independent community radios.