Signals 2 Noise Logo

A collaboration between 16 community radios, a large physical gathering of community radios in continental Europe.

Maroš Milčík


Maros is a young self-taught film-maker, who works within central Europe. His passion started becoming a profession already during high school years, while he worked on several VFX projects. Based on the quality of his work, he got hired as a Motion designer by one of the leading advertising agencies in Slovakia. After five years of work as a Design Team leader, he still felt drawn to filmmaking.

During the few years of firmly establishing his name within the country, Maros has directed commercial spots for top regional brands and advertising agencies, such as Erste Group, ČSOB, Becherovka, Orange, to name a few.

Besides commercial jobs, Maros invests a lot of his focus into passion projects, where he can develop his creative potential, unrestrained by customer needs. He is currently simultaneously working on short documentary series, combining the eye-catching audio-visual techniques with the power of story-telling.


Oct 04 13:00, Silent Green Betonhalle/Ramp
Radio - Experimental Music - Modernist Architecture