Signals 2 Noise Logo

A collaboration between 16 community radios, a large physical gathering of community radios in continental Europe.


Silent Green Betonhalle/Exhibition


hoquet / hiccups
(‘being double mousy with the uncle’)

uncle and aunt

two lonely wired boxes on an empty stage.
parleying. warbling, ranting, coughing.
or just murmuring wearily to themselves.
two radio sets play together in the barren space, filling it with
ever-changing clashes of words and scraps of sound. relieving
themselves of the weight of meaning accumulated over the

two endlessly looping bodies rubbing against each other work
their sonic encounters out into the audience.

a new radio programme every time.
an everlasting singsong. 
annette schmucki and reto friedmann


Annette Schmucki

Schmucki works with language as music. Currently, she is engaged with durations and encounters of projected words, speech topographies, and cardinal directions.

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Cashmere Radio