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A collaboration between 16 community radios, a large physical gathering of community radios in continental Europe.

Resonant Frequency/If Nobody's Playing

Silent Green Betonhalle/Cinema

Kanal 103

Resonant Frequency

Ireland 2023 director: Johnny Savage 8 min Englisch OV

⁠Resonant Frequency is a short film about community and radio set in Dublin, Ireland. A story is told through the experiences of DIY broadcasters who have fashioned their own unique shows and voices through the platform of Dublin Digital Radio, an online radio station setup as a credible alternative to mainstream commercial broadcasters.
The station has given a home and platform to a diverse network of creative scenes across Ireland, with roots from Chicago to Tokyo.

If Nobody's Playing

Northern Macedonia 2009 director: 55 min Macedonian OV with English subtitles

Centred around Kanal 103 radio, Gjorgji Janevski closely follows the troubled beginnings of the Macedonian underground band Bernays Propaganda and their everyday challenges to do what they live for. Along the road there are all kinds of obstacles and sometimes silly and absurd incidents. Everything under the spiritual guidance of Joy Division, The Clash, Gang of Four, Fugazi and Minor Threat.

⁠Q&A with Gjorgji Janevski and Sean Finnan (Dublin Digital Radio)

Resonant Frequency.jpg


⁠Gjorgji Janevski

⁠Gjorgji Janevski is a freelance media and cultural worker from Skopje.

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Johnny Savage

Johnny Savage is a filmmaker and director from Ireland.

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Kanal 103
Dublin Digital Radio